Our Mission Statement: "Growing in Grace. Living by Faith. Serving with Love." Contact Us At: St. John Lutheran Church 7418 St. Rt. 121 N. Greenville, OH 45331 (937) 548-5404 [email protected] |
Come Worship with Us
9:00 A.M. Sunday Worship Service
10:30 A.M. Sunday School (September - May)
You can worship online with us each week on our Facebook Page: Saint John Lutheran Church. As Facebook has changed their terms of service, you will need a Facebook account to view the service. Though we believe worship is best experienced when we can see and interact with people in person - sometimes circumstances make this impossible, making tuning in online a good alternative when you are unable to worship in person.
You can view a selection of Special Services on our YouTube Channel (search "St. John Lutheran Greenville, OH).
St. John has purchased Copyright licenses for the Hymns and Liturgy in compliance with One License, Augsburg Fortress, and CCLI License.
All copyright information is displayed on the screen.
You can view a selection of Special Services on our YouTube Channel (search "St. John Lutheran Greenville, OH).
St. John has purchased Copyright licenses for the Hymns and Liturgy in compliance with One License, Augsburg Fortress, and CCLI License.
All copyright information is displayed on the screen.